First of all welcome to all new subscribers and a heartfelt thanks, I’m delighted and honoured that you are here. If you want to know what to expect from me you can visit this post.
I infuse this community with love and light with the intention that all who come into this space have a positive and uplifting experience. Together we are a mighty force of beings raising consciousness for the highest good of all. And so it is.
I wasn’t sure what to call this message as it feels a bit late to be the monthly one. It feels more like breaking news, but that sounded a bit dramatic! I was also told it couldn’t wait, which is why I’m here the day after my last post.
We are on the edge of change that is unprecedented and we get to be a part of it. Of course there are no timelines as this is not how these things work, but we know it’s coming. You’re probably feeling it, that excited fluttering, like it’s your birthday. The tension and pressure is rising, but know you’ll get a nice gift when the time comes.
The Final Pieces
There are seismic shifts happening that are not visible to the naked eye. The very foundations of Mother Earth are moving as she prepares for a very important role that she has been in waiting for. All of the disruption has been so that her children, lands, animals, plants and insects can be ready. A shockwave is coming and the vibrational frequency that this requires has taken a mammoth task of goddess proportions. There has been a crack team of galactic and angelic support that would be fitting of any blockbuster film.
The final pieces are dropping into place and you will soon see the results of the behind the scenes work. Are you being prepared too? Of course. An upgrading, an elevation, a next level of consciousness. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritual attunement so that you will be able to tune in. Like a tuning fork you will be able to receive the new frequencies and vibrations. This is taking things to ANOTHER LEVEL.
A New Earth Remembered
Coming out to play are the fairies, the dragons, the mermaids in plain sight for those that choose to see. The stuff of myth and legends yet they were created from somewhere, for some purpose. Communication with spirit becomes seamless and your requests for assistance are carried on a super highway. Remember when the internet didn’t exist? What did we think of it, nonsense? it won’t last?
What is to come has already been proven to work, it existed and has existed in different timelines and dimensions. Too much darkness concealed it, too much fear made it shrink away. The light work that has happened brings those seeking a new existence, a fairer existence, a safe existence out into the light.
One Last Push
Mother Earth is receiving new codes of love, evolution and transformation. You will receive them too, when you are in a position to. When you have been cleansed and purged and aligned and raised in consciousness. Now you see the work that you have done, now you sense the gentle arms of Gaia wrapped around you. Keeping you safe, making you feel loved and sheltering you from the spitting lava of the volcanos that are yet to erupt.
It will not be a perfect entry into the New Earth, millennia of destruction, hatred, fear based actions are having to be neutralised. These light beings are exhausted too, but they know the end is in sight, they reassure you too, just one last push.
Support and Protection
You can only focus on what is in front of you as it’s going to change rapidly, don’t worry too much about the future as it will look very different from what you expect today, tomorrow, next week. Enjoy bouncing along on the cosmic ride, holding on like you’re on the back of an inflatable banana boat, yes we want you to laugh, to be carefree. For you have never been so supported, so what’s going to happen that you can’t handle?
You are a seasoned pro at facing new things, why do you think there have been so many. So that you can enter this new era with a lightness, with confidence, with the right tools, with the hand upon your shoulder when you need it, with the guardianship and protection required. With answers at your fingertips, with magical gifts and talents that are so needed in the world right now.
Rapid Change
Expect change, of location, of home, of what is required of you in service, of collaboration, deeper relationships, creating communities, leading communities, co-creating on a multi-dimensional level.
Expect to be called into the elements for greater depths of healing, water, earth, trees, sacred land, sacred sites. New sites are opening up and there may be one coming to a place near you. Perhaps you will be the keeper of a site. You don’t necessarily have to be able to physically visit, remember that you will be travelling more astrally, saving on energy, preserving precious resources.
Allowing for truth and authenticity, because nothing else will fly here. Inconsistencies, mistruths, falseness will be called out at once and will not be tolerated in the name of greed, personal gain or unfavourable treatment of others.
We are taking away the bitter taste of resentment that has surfaced recently. You have been unable to turn away from what is happening and the temptation has been to wade in with both feet to try and rectify things. You are a helper and a healer after all. We ask you to wait. The powers that will surge through you soon, will be much more usefully targeted and instantly helpful. We ask for just a little more patience and allowing yourself to sit in a blanket of compassion and love until the time is right.
A Quantum Leap
Advancements will be made at a rapid pace, in technology, in the evolution of how we communicate, of the new age of love and compassion. Of mainstream spirituality, of future focused visioning through co-creation and collaboration. Be discerning, be the wise person that you are, feel into what is right for you and what has been created in the name of inauthenticity.
You will need the people around you that understand this new level and want to use if for the greater good. We ask you to look before you leap. Into their heart, into their soul, into their energy. You will see what you need to make that decision and will be grateful even if that means less connections with mutual respect, support and understanding.
A time of great change, a change of time, the air will feel different, the earth will feel different. You will be different. Allow yourself to breathe it in, allow yourself to take it all in and show up as all that you are. For it is time. It is THE time.
Blessings of love and light.
Louise x
New Offering
If you would like a quantum insight into the unlimited possibilities that are available to you as the New Earth emerges. I have introduced a single Quantum Insight Session for a limited time.
It’s a distance guidance and healing session with feedback by email as I prepare to be in between houses, it’s something that I can do whilst I’m moving and setting up a new work space. It also feels very timely working more with the quantum fields. Its £111 for 45 minutes. Price will change in April, so limited places available at this price.
A paid subscription is a recognition of the energy and time investment required for me, my guides and spiritual support team to share wisdom and guidance to support you on your sacred path. If you’d like to contribute to the community, but it’s currently beyond your reach, then I have put aside gifted subscriptions available on request.
If you would like to go deeper on your healing journey you can visit my website.
If you enjoy reading The Wisdom Path, I’d really appreciate it if you would recommend it as a way of connecting with other readers, who enjoy the same kind of content.
Yes, seismic changes, I feel them in my body, soul and being. It is like we are at a precipice, will we as a species jump or run? It will be interesting to see where this all goes. For me, I do my part in this by following the cues I receive from mother earth, the divine feminine, from my guides... It has involved a deep grounding into the soils of this planet, the physicality of life. Asking me to open my heart and live from love. And meeting death has been a big movement in my being and system these past three weeks. Vulnerable, raw, challenging... and incredibly beautiful.
Yes! Louise! I am vibrating with the power of the messages coming through you. Thank you for getting out of the way enough for this to come through so clearly and being willing to open yourself to sharing with all of us. It's amazing to have such synchronistic messaging affirming what my senses are telling me. Beautiful beautiful beautiful!