First of all welcome to all new subscribers and a heartfelt thanks, I’m delighted and honoured that you are here. If you want to know what to expect from me you can visit this post.
I infuse this community with love and light with the intention that all who come into this space have a positive and uplifting experience. Together we are a mighty force of beings raising consciousness for the highest good of all. And so it is.
I’ve still not settled back into a pattern of posting, so they will come as they do for now, until normal service has resumed! There are changes upon changes happening right now, highs and lows, creativity surges and slumps. Listen to you body, mind and soul and do what feels right. Ride the waves, it’s going to be a beautiful ride. You might want to settle in with a cuppa.
You are returning
Cycles are never-ending, they continue to spiral in infinite directions on a multidimensional level. This is why what you are experiencing now, whilst it feels cataclysmic, dramatic and a huge upheaval. It is also something that you have experienced before on a soul level. You are returning to it’s rhythm, you are allowing the understanding and wisdom to return. You are returning to a state of love, acceptance, and wholeness that has not been possible on Mother Earth.
The crumble of progression
We ask that you remember this when the darkness falls, when the shadow calls. We honour your courage and bravery in facing the very parts of you and your existence, for you are aware of the one part that would wish to halt the process, bring down all the sacred work that you have been doing. In the name of halting this revolution. For a revolutions it is. One that will see many of the perceived successes and progressions of the industrial revolution crumble.
For what did this do to humanity? The use of man-made products that are disposable, but not perishable. The disregard for where our food comes from, our disconnection from nature. A hollow space where we sit with others, but do not communicate. Or we only speak on devices and never come into human contact. Where we crave human touch, the feeling of earth beneath our feet, the sea lapping over us, the wind whistling in the trees.
To become wild again
Mother Nature does not stop her plea, for us to hear her, she has not turned her back on us. Even when we have turned away from her. She waits patiently until you return. she welcomes you with open arms. She is not expecting gifts, but we ask you to plant seeds, clear away rubbish, tend to the land. Reintroduce native plants, animals and ecosystems.
Where nature has been preened to perfection, we ask that you allow her to roam free. To become wild again. As you wish to become wild again. Free-spirited, free to roam, free to forage, free to rest your head on the ground and look up at the stars.
For the galaxies are closer than ever. The star ancestors have a direct link to you and they have now nod sagely as all that they have prophesised comes into being. That the wheels of industry would spin faster and faster until they fell off. That the dis-ease of stress would become an epidemic, until we can ignore it no longer. That people would break free from the shackles of society. Seeking stillness, seeking sanctuary, seeking quietness and a connection to nature. A disconnection, an unplugging from the mains. For an energetic recharge from Mother Earth is all the power that you need.
Learn from the past
What are we learning from the past. About agriculture, about self-sufficiency, about caring for others, about community? There is no need to look it up. It runs through the veins of the countryside. It speaks to us through the ravaged places that are now being returned to their natural state. They breath a sigh of relief for they have waited for you to care. They have waited for you to respond to their cries. Through the melting ice, the barren landscapes, the desolate places where nothing would grow.
They needed love, they needed tenderness, the same as any human, the same as you and me. Just like the human race has neglected itself, this has been mirrored in nature. Nature has been longing for that tender look, to be held in the highest regard, to be loved and cherished. Licking it’s wounds of abandonment and weeping at the sight of the desolation that has been wrought upon its fellow trees, plants, flowers, animals and insects.
We must love ourselves, be compassionate with ourselves and others until we thrive and this is them reflected in Mother Nature. Harmony is restored, peace is possible and humanity will thrive.
Everything you do matters
You are a small speck of this microcosm, but everything you do has an impact. Everything you do sends a shockwave, everything you do matters. Everything you do makes a difference. Together this is magnificent and a whole new world of possibility is presented.
Bring it to your door with hope. With direct action, with connection, with community, with nature. ‘How can I help you?’, ‘What do you need?’ Wait for an answer. It comes on the breeze, in the whisper of the trees, in the babble of the brook, in the paw prints of the jaguar, on the wings of the eagle. Listen, listen well and acknowledge that you have heard the call. You are here for the ripeness of the fruit, the rutting of the stag, the breaching of the whale.
All the magnificence is yours to behold. See it’s beauty, see it’s part in the ecosystem and know that yours is as great. We say, we do, we feel and that is echoed back to us. Take care of yourself and the planet. Breathe life into it through letting yourself breathe with it as one. One breath, one heartbeat, oneness.
Blessings of love and light.
Louise x
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I love this call to return to wild! And that everything, on every level is receiving this same call. A wise friend recently told me that becoming wild again means becoming unconditioned again. Your post speaks exactly to that. Thank you so much for your wisdom, Louise! I've got a lot of pondering to do as far as what this means for me in my daily actions. ♥️
I loved everything about this post Louise! How we as humanity are distracting ourselves away from the deeper truth of what we are. How progress has brought us more distant from our natural selves. Rewilding as the anecdote. Finding our place withing this macrocosm of Gaia, Divine Feminine, Nature, Life! I loved that we may each be a speck, but we can have huge impact. I am reminded of the web of life. One touch can send far reaching ripples!