Why Subscribe to The Wisdom Path?

One of my favourite quotes is “In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: "When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”

Gabrielle Roth

My intention is that this is a safe place where you can meet in sacred counsel as your elder ancestors would have. To share, to tell stories, to come for wise words, healing and connection to wisdom.

Connecting you to your truth, expanding your possibilities and bringing you home to you. I show up here as I do anywhere else, with all of me. With the intent of offering you a space to pause, to heal, to be guided and supported on your own unique journey.

Five years ago after spending 25 years in the corporate world, I was introduced to a spiritual mentor. It was a chance meeting, but of course it wasn’t! On my way to our first meeting, I distinctly heard a voice say I was going home. In a journeying meditation I was introduced to my Native American spirit guides and my higher self.

Before that I had no idea that I was missing that spiritual connection and what I was capable of. You can read more about that meeting in The Gift of Magic

It was the beginning of a beautiful sacred healing and awakening journey that has taken me down many paths and up many mountains. Think of riding a rollercoaster with a blindfold on and being told to let go of the safety bar.

In the first summer of the first lockdown, I began to channel ancient wisdom. It came through thick and fast and was my first introduction to what we can expect and what is expected of us in order to thrive in the Age of Humanity, Unity & Community.

Since then I have shared monthly channeled guidance and have reconnected to my joy of writing. This also comes in the form of poetry and Native American Fireside Stories.

I have loved finding Substack to be able to share my wisdom in long form writing, which is a freedom of expression that my sensitive soul has been yearning to share since I was at school, having a story read out in assembly.

If you are feeling lost, afraid or uncertain about the future, you can find comfort in what I share as you are led by the hand into a new age. You can feel safe and supported, loved and appreciated, no matter what is going on in the outside world.

For Free Subscribers

The Wisdom Path

Spontaneous intuitive content that contains messages infused with healing. If I share it then it will be intended for someone, maybe it’s for you?

The Wisdom Path Podcast

15 minutes themed podcast episodes to guide, inspire and support your thinking about your purpose, potential and prosperity. If you would like to be considered as a guest for The Wisdom Path Podcast, please come complete this form.

New Earth Messages

Channeled messages directly from my guides. Bringing ancient wisdom, guidance and an expanded, positive perspective on what is happening in the world. The encouragement that you need to take soul aligned action if you’re stuck, lost or just digging in your heels!

For Paid Subscribers

An Inner Healing Circle. This will contain messages of guidance, support and healing to navigate your path onwards. Please note this is not an individual channeling and I won’t be using anyone’s names. If you do want more personalised support then you can find out more about the work I do on my website.

Comment and Join The Community

I am committed to making this a safe space, so comments are limited to paid subscribers on more sensitive posts. If you would like to join the community, but this is beyond your reach at present, then please do let me know and I will gift you a yearly paid subscription.

The Inner Healing Circle Posts

I am sharing the most personal and vulnerable of my wound healing and spiritual journey, so that you many find comfort, a thread to your own healing journey that can set you free.

Blessings of love and light.

Louise x

Share The Wisdom Path


All channeled messages from my guides are published without alteration and are delivered as messages that you have been requested to hear. Their directness is intentional. Be prepared for positive transformation, insight and direct action taken as a result. Please take full responsibility for your own wellbeing. My guidance is not meant to replace medical advice or treatment.

Subscribe to The Wisdom Path

Magic weaving of stories and words that heal and the unwavering compassion to support the visionaries & creatives that are here to shape the New Earth through to a multidimensional way of being.


A recovering corporate misfit on the magical mystery tour of returning to wholeness. Getting a lot of help in writing from my guides and ancestors. Guiding those that are here to shape the New Earth through to a multidimensional way of being.