I grew up in a typical English countryside village. It was literally croquet on the vicars lawn and jumble sales in the community centre with weak orange squash and homemade cakes. My mum was in the Woman’s Institute and we ran a bakery and shop.
I took the sense of community for granted. Mainly because I couldn’t go out with my friends without coming home and my mum saying “you’ve been with so and so, because someone saw you!” I did not appreciate that communities come alive when we feel a sense of role and responsibility, we have a place and a purpose.
We have all seen the evidence that this was slowly becoming a thing of the past, with bursts of revival during the pandemic. What I didn’t realise then was that being part of a community also set the foundations of my values and belief systems. Imagine the culture shock when I moved on my own to London at the age of 18 and not one person who I passed in the street said hello!
In indigenous communities there is a sense of natural order, where everyone knows who the leader is and what their role is. Your ancestors belonged to a community like this, a place with community ‘spirit’. You are being called to take you place in community, to play an active part, to settle back into what at once becomes familiar to you.
Hot Summer Rites (you can skip this bit and scroll down if you’ve been here before).
Take me straight to Rite 4 - Understanding your place and role in community
Hot Summer Rites is a series of journeys into the inner sanctuary of the soul. For spiritual seekers who currently sit with a heavy heart and wish to become soul aligned and able to listen to their soul wisdom.
I will be sharing 6 rites of sanctuary, which will be channeled along with reflective questions over six weeks starting week commencing 24th July. I can’t promise they’ll be on the same day, my guides don’t always work like that! You can work with the questions and listen to the meditation or just do one or the other.
Who are they for?
If you are seeking the inner truth to determine your next actions steps for rising into your most creative and aligned self. Knowing your sacred journey and what will carry your forward.
Releasing the burdens that you have been carrying, cease the procrastination as to who you are meant to be. Live it, understand it, know it. For you deserve the most glorious of times and to own the power and who you are. They will be free for 2 weeks after each post and then after that, free if you join as a paid subscriber.
The six rites of sanctuary
1. Self - Understanding the creator/self relationship and bond
2. Knowledge and magick - Accessing the knowledge of magick through the senses
3. Wisdom - Acknowledging and bringing forth the wisdom of your ancestors
4. Community - Understanding your place and role in community
5. Purpose - Having sight of your purpose to bring through potential
6. Alchemy - working with alchemy in motion to create miracles
Rite 4 - Understanding your place and role in community
You have a unique offering as part of a community, something that only you can bring. A skill, gift or talent that enables you to be part of the rich tapestry that brings people together, not only in times of turbulence, but in times of ritual, ceremony and celebration. You are invited to take your place within community, explore what it means to you, what values, traditions and beliefs does it ask you to abide by and pass on for the benefit of future generations.
Meditation: Understanding your place and role in community
This meditation can now be found in The Healing Vault for paid subscribers.
Reflection questions
What is the natural role that you take within your own community or group that you belong to?
What are the values that you stand by when you participate in a group activity?
What are the tools of your role in community? Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and wisdom?
What is the belief system that runs through your blood, bones, cells, muscles and DNA that stands true if you shed all fear, expectation, pressure and effort?
You were born with a sense of community with ancestral origins. You are being called to reclaim it in the name of helping to fix the fractured and disconnected parts of ourselves that have been lost. Through isolation, mistrust, loss, too much effort and the disconnection from nature. The whispers of your soul will carry the messages of community for all to understand that role and place bring purpose and fulfilment.
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If finding my wisdom is what you have been looking for, but not you’re sure you want to commit to a paid subscription, you can buy me a coffee here. It keeps the energy flow going and allows me to continue to provide a level of spiritual support and guidance at no or a minimal cost.
This was wonderful, Louise! Very unexpectedly, I saw myself as a spinner. I could feel the raw, unformed wool in my hands as I spun it into thread/yarn. I've never done this in my current lifetime so it came as quite a surprise. But I really loved having this role in the community and can see it as a metaphor for turning raw experiences into the threads that others can weave something from. Thank you so much for this beautiful experience! 💖
Louise, I have only just had the opportunity to listen to your meditation. This is so empowering. Thank you.
I had to pause it a couple of times to rehear your beautiful messages as they were so potent. I came out of journey space a few times to rewrite some of your words as they spoke very deeply to me:
"they listen, they take note, they respect your place in community."
"let your soul do the listening, let your soul do the communicating."
"when you are out of alignment with your place in community you can not do what you are meant to do."
"no place or role is less or more important than the other.
"Having a place and role one feels purpose and is no longer in isolation."
These words affected me greatly. They went straight to my heart and soul. How true. How true, was all I could feel and be filled with.
And these words, your journey, helps to create a community, within oneself and within one's wider world.
Thank you, Louise.