The Inner Healing Circle


Breathe Life Into Living

Every transformation needs a foundation. Of knowledge, of wisdom, of direction to a higher level of understanding and consciousness.

This is an energetic invitation to those that are called to enter and be a part of The Inner Healing Circle. You will receive a private channeled group monthly 15 minute voice note. This will contain support, guidance and healing to navigate these times of change and to build and strengthen your levels of understanding and purpose within them.

When you heal yourself, you are also healing others on behalf of the planet and humanity. Right now, that feels like one of the greatest gifts we can give.

You will also get access to the full catalogue of Ancestral Wound Healing Journeys and any new ones that are added.

Ancestral Wound Healing Journeys

  • For clearing the resentment of controlling and dominating relationships from a patriarchal system

  • For clearing the fear of finding your spiritual voice and self expression

  • For clearing the ancestral wound of martyrdom relating to spiritual expression, gifts and financial reward

  • For clearing the ancestral wound of family conflict, separation & breakdown relating to spiritual expression, gifts and financial reward

  • For clearing the ancestral wound of enslavement of speech, expression, inequality and incarceration

  • Healing the witch wound with Goddess Hecates

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