So powerful, Louise! I resonate with much of this. For me, feeling loved equals feeling chosen. (I blame my enneagram 4, lol). It can become a problem because being chosen usually means being chosen over something else, so there is so much "othering" and separation in my need to feel chosen. Just like you say here, the fact that I know this goes a long way towards relating better. Just having that awareness, that illumination. And then when I can make different choices based on that awareness, even better! Thank you so much for sharing the wisdom of Prometheus. What sacred words! ❤️

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Louise there is so much here to reflect on. I too learned to equate being noticed with love. For me it had to look a certain way, it not then I wasn't loved. Which in turn made me key into people, I learned to enable and people please. Seems we both have been invited to see our shadows, that which gets in the way of loving ourselves. I loved the words of Prometheus. And for this to manifest, it is partially the healing of our disconnect that opens the door to a greater healing for our planet.

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It’s definitely made for some uncomfortable viewing for me Julie. Especially when I’m asked to share it, but I know there is always a reason for that, so I honour that request. I get to see who I am when I don’t have this need to get attention, whole and complete and good enough. Love and light xx

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