This is beautiful Louise. I relate to all you have shared here. Our natural way of being, listening to our intuition, living from our innate connection to nature and spirit. To be the magic and love that we are. Then to be told it is wrong, bad. That we are wrong and bad because of that. As you said "banned to the tower" or burned as a witch, herbalist or healer. Yes we are ordinary women doing extraordinary things. Meeting the shame, blame and lies. Reconnecting to the deep feminine power within. Glad to be on this journey with you!

Does the purging and clearing ever stop? I question this too. I wonder how much am I doing this for myself and how much for the collective whole? There is so much I cannot see or understand, probably never will. I do believe however there is a deep impulse that is pure, and it is guiding me, I trust that. Much love to you Louise!

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Thank you Julie, there is such power is this recognition of where we are now. I’m so glad that we are fellow passengers! I feel as though a lot of it is the collective, such strong surges through the sacral. I think we just have to ride the waves for a little bit longer!

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In reply to Julie Schmidt's comment: "I wonder how much I am doing this for myself and how much for the collective whole?" Isn't that the reason we are. I mean, aren't we here for the collective whole? I was trying to explain to my husband just how powerful we are as women. He kept saying, Yes, I know. I said, No. You do not know. I do not know. We do not know how powerful we are and probably never will. There is a much deeper aspect that if we really could see/feel it, it would scare us!

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It’s true that it’s the power that scares us Melissa, I’ve sensed it, I’ve felt it and then I’ve thought I’m not quite ready for that, which I guess is where that collective surge of support is so important. Thank you for sharing here, it’s good to hear your voice.

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I love your writings and shared information. And I appreciate the way you spark others like Julie!

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Well I am very honoured by that Melissa, there is something very special that happens when wise women gather.

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Oh boy do we need this!

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I believe we do Donna! x

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The timing of this is impeccable, Louise! I’m sitting in the hardest part of a burnout cycle right now and can’t wait to listen to this meditation. Thank you 🙏

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It's making so much sense why this came through now Allysha, I welcome your participation in the gathering and I trust that it brings the relief that you are asking for. 🙏

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Louise, this is so powerful. I listened to the meditation and wow! the chain around my neck...I have had a sore neck for weeks now. I feel this so much...the endless hours. The endless "getting nowhere."

As I continued to listen to your meditation after the chain and lock was removed and the song came louder and louder, I saw the tower crumble and crumble, just got smaller and smaller. I went on a different tangent to your words and at the same time I felt your words release me...

It is pouring outside. The rain helped in the healing...to give me a wash. To allow me to feel the cleansing water of rain for the "first time."

I remember

I remember

I remember

I remember who I really am

I remember who I really am

I use my gifts.


I touch the crystal in the middle and I feel its ultramarine blue go inside of me and heal...so deeply...so deeply...

Thank you Louise...

I am an ordinary woman doing extra-ordinary things...

Bless you x

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Oh wow Sam, that sent such a shiver! As I was doing it, it felt so powerful, the coming together, the releasing of all of us, the standing together. I am so blessed that you came and were part of this gathering, I want to tell you that you are safe, so very safe. And ready, ready to use ALL your gifts. Sweet blessings to you. xx

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Wow! Thank you for writing this. It puts words to some of my own internal dialogues that I couldn’t quite make sense of and fully believe in. Powerful 💜🔥

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You are so very welcome Alysia, thank you for being here for this gathering xx

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