First of all welcome to all new subscribers, I’m delighted and honoured that you are here. If you want to know what to expect from me you can visit this post.
I infuse this community with love and light with the intention that all who come into this space have a positive and uplifting experience. Together we are a mighty force of beings raising consciousness for the highest good of all. And so it is.
This week I got quite miffy. I think this is a possibly a made-up word, but now I’ve googled it and it’s British slang for being annoyed or unhappy!
I read a post that started with “this is a bit woo woo.” They went onto talk about following the seasons and the cycles of the moon. As though this was slightly daring, as though the secret was out. As though they were practising the dark arts. What I suppose made it more ‘miffy’ was that they were incorporating this into their work. Let’s take people into the woods and teach them wacky ways, whilst we hide out from the normal people. Sound familiar?
Maybe my comment was a bit scathing, it wasn’t meant to be. It was a perfectly innocent remark, but something stirred within in. My ancestors were screaming in my ears and I needed to come to their defence, your honour.
I pointed out that these were normal things for our ancestors to do, normal things for me to do. Our ancestors had done them for longer than they hadn’t, until they didn’t. Until the industrial revolution put these things to the side. Until they were persecuted to their death. This put them off for a bit.
We need these natural ways back in our lifes, we need to breath in the frosty air of dawn as we make our way through the woods to forage for food. We need to feel the earth beneath our feet, the crunching of the leaves as we gather moss to light the fire, to plug the gaps in the walls, to cover an injury to heal.
We need to stand and feel the sun on our face on a bright crisp morning as it permeates our skin, our cells, our blood, our bones. As it makes us feel alive.
We need to listen to the wind as it carries messages of healing, of hope, of warning, of danger. We nod sagely as we batten down the hatches, light a fire, place the herbs at the door, cast a spell and wait for the danger to pass.
We need to listen to the wise, to the elders, to those that have lived. Who stood in communities after war when they had nothing, but they still always shared. Who toiled the earth, who worked by moonlight, who knew how to grow seven or more types of vegetables.
Who could make do and mend. Who couldn’t replace old for new, so found a way. Borrowed from a neighbour without shame, because you knew you would return the favour some day. With a skill you had, with a freshly baked loaf of bread, with a basket full of fresh eggs.
We know that we carry the wounds, but let’s not carry them forward. Let’s allow the swirl of the smoke around the cauldron whether it contains soup or a concoction which bubbles with life and magic.
Let’s teach others that what we do is normal, that what we do is natural, that what we do holds the most wonderful of ways. We are in an epidemic of stress filled with people who feel that medication and to push themselves harder is the answer. Like the long silent machines of the factories and mills that shocked people into working long hours for little reward, no daylight, injury, disease, death.
We only swapped one kind of hell for another, different types of machines and computers, different diseases of the mind. I’m not good enough, I have to be someone different. Long hours with no daylight, no time to doing anything fun. Stress that eventually takes our feet from underneath us. A death of our spirit.
Can we be the generation that said, “I changed that” I made witchcraft normal, I made magic mainstream, I wrote a piece of history that gave back the dignity of my ancestors and their beautiful friends who suffered so much. I gave people who had given up hope and connection a new reason for living, for feeling alive within their soul. I gave them the gift of understanding who they are and where they came from.
By the way I am not ignoring what just happened over the last six months. I feel as though more than ever I am required to be the light for others. I’ve created a quiet space for members if you want to share where you are at.
You may be interested in the two related witch posts I wrote. I’ve removed the paywall from both. I’ve also added the Witch Wound Channeled Healing I did with Goddess Hecate.
At the moment I am doing a one-off distance Quantum Insight Session, which is 45 minutes with voicenote feedback and 5 days aftercare. You can ask me anything that you wish to be answered. Please contact me for availability as I’m only currently offering a couple of session a week.
Blessings of love and light,
Louise x
A paid membership is a recognition of the energy and time investment required for me, my guides and spiritual support team to share wisdom and guidance to support you on your sacred path. If you’d like to contribute to the community, but it’s beyond your reach, then I have put aside gifted subscriptions available on request.
If you would like to go deeper on your healing journey you can visit my website. Bespoke healing can be discussed by request.
If you enjoy reading The Wisdom Path, I’d really appreciate it if you would recommend it as a way of connecting with other readers, who enjoy the same kind of content or need to receive the guidance.
Louise, this SPOKE to me so deeply. It resonated inside like a deep wound and a deep CALLING. It make every part of me sit a bit taller, straighter, to walk forward towards that ever shifting line in the sand to say I AM HERE. I WILL SHINE MY LIGHT.
There is much to say...yet I will just say THANK YOU...💖
Louise I agree 100%! We have been uprooted, cut off from the natural flow of life. Separated from our innate connection with animals and plants, lakes and forests, stars and planets. For what? Power. Dominion. Control. Patriarchs that place themselves as the rulers of the kingdom. But only for a few, because even in our human family, there is hierarchy. Woo-woo! No way. But for a moment let me defend. For some that may be their baby steps back home. A means of maintaining a status quo when their lives are about to be turned upside down. For me, woo-woo was never part of the equation. The calling has been strong, the movements both powerful and frightening.
Right before I came to my computer, I was out walking with the full moon. She is gorgeous! Her glow scintillating. The morning air crisp with the coolness of autumn. I open to her mysteries, for she is full of them. This type of presence is what I long to immerse myself in, because it is real. What is passed for real nowadays is only an illusion and lie. No give me the impermanence of nature, the wildness of the wolf howling at the moon, the raindrops gently falling on my face, the yearning within the whale song....