First of all welcome to all new subscribers, I’m delighted and honoured that you are here. If you want to know what to expect from me you can visit this post.
A slight change to the publishing schedule in that channeled New Earth messages are now as they come through rather than at a specific time of the month.
I infuse this community with love and light with the intention that all who come into this space have a positive and uplifting experience. Together we are a mighty force of beings raising consciousness for the highest good of all. And so it is.
Well I was expecting some down time this week and was happily looking at paint colours, new doors and new carpets. Until this came through and I was very definitely back in service! I am thinking of yellow for my office, what do you think?
I can only describe this as the kind of experience when I know I am not leading it, I am just the vehicle. There is a collective witch wound energy that comes through from all the women (and men) that have been persecuted and punished for doing what they came to do. And they are angry, but they are determined to put things right too.
There is something happening and I haven’t yet quite put my finger on it. It’s an uprising of the most delicious kind. It’s starts with a gentle hum and it’s going to kick off anytime soon. I hesitated to bring this to you, it didn’t sound like me, I wondered what people would think. I took a deep breath, it is me, because it’s every one of us.
I will never post about politics nor get on any bandwagon, which aims to poke a hornets nest. Yet there is an ancient stirring within my blood that is saying that enough is enough. I am seeing everyday evidence that the patriarchy is fighting back. When do we fight the most? When we are scared, when we see ourselves under threat.
We are not a threat, dear ones. We are those that are poised to vanquish any outdated opinions, practices, material, resources, lies and deceit. Based on old fashioned outdated and shameful traditions that have denied the feminine their true place in society, in history, in evolution. This is about to change.
When we seen those sisters that have become disenfranchised by the hate, by the intolerance, by the online abuse, instead of giving these naysayers airtime, rather than giving them the stage, we have been asked by Goddess Hecates to follow this thread instead.
Hecates is the archetypal crone or wise feminine elder. She became Queen of the Underworld through accompanying Persephone to the ‘land of the dead’ each year.
Hecate has returned as a primordial feminine sage: the Wise Crone, the Queen of the Underworld and the Guardian of the Unconscious. The protector of witches, keeper of feminine alchemy, and healer of our changed and traumitised souls.
Many of us who carry goddess wisdom can feel ‘blocked’ or resistant to revealing their true self and true spiritual gifts, Hecate can help us heal our deep inner fears so we can share our gifts and wisdom with the world.
Source: You are a Goddess, Sophie Bashford
Hecates Thread (Channeled Message)
Do not direct your anger and fear towards the perpetrator, do not share what they have spoken. Do not directly engage with them and whip them up into a torrent frenzy of viscal hatred.
This is what they want. This is what they expect. This is what they believe to be the source of their power.
Yet, they do not yet know the source of OUR power, for it has not yet been fully unleashed. Until it is, then we remain SILENT. In our silence, we are gathering our resources, we are connecting with our kith and kin in spirit. We are creating a silent army. More powerful than this planet has every known. The element of surprise means they will not know what is coming. They will not know until it is too late.
With their misogynistic ways, with their looks and their comments. With their emperors new clothes.
Do not mistake this for darkness, this is the purest white magic, which can only be played out with the highest intention for good.
Remember that there are allies amongst men that have already joined our ranks, that when the time comes they will be on OUR side. They are wise! We are the powerful ones, the enlightened ones, the ones that use magic for the transformation of that power into the divine feminine era. To banish the dark forces of evil and transgress those who come across our path and try to stop us.
You are backed by the most divinely led influencers, goddesses, archangels, transformers, levellers, warlocks, wizards, catalysts. Roles that have not yet been introduced, but that you will work alongside, you will honour their guidance, you will go where they lead.
When you see a level of suffering that can no longer be endured you will send a silent prayer to bring aid and assistance for the highest good to those in trouble. To those in danger, be it online or in the physical. This will arrive immediately, use it well, use it wisely.
Invoke the protection of the council, which has gathered for this specific purpose. This is an intergalactic council, if you have permission to call on them, you will know them by name. If you are called to do so you will be asked to work with the vehicle for this work (me), who will confirm your role.
There is no fear, there is nothing to do but witness the glorification of the feminine, which will no longer be oppressed, stifled, suffocated or stamped upon.
To be part of this uprising is the most magnificent gift that can be bestowed.
Receive the messages of hope, lightning change, dissolving of the old, bring out your broomstick, bring out your cauldron, bring out your magic. There is truth in your heart, there is love in your soul and there is stardust in your hair.
Stand in your power, lift the hearts and minds of those in despair, take the hands of those that have doubted themselves.
We are not victims, we are not bound, we are free. The time to tolerate unacceptable ties and boundaries is over. I give you my stamp of approval to go forth and liberate the minds of the tortured souls past and present, living and in spirit who need you to unburden them from the punishment placed upon them.
Sisters and brothers unite in the loving arms of the divine and return to the womb of Mother Earth, so she may be your protector and guide during this time. Call upon her wisdom, call upon her helpers, call upon her guides. A definitive process has begun.
We can call on Goddess Hecates to assist in the healing of the witch wound, personal and collective.
I have channeled a healing journey with Goddess Hecate to accompany this post. This is available to paid members along with all the healing journeys as part of The Inner Healing Circle.
If you want to read Part 1 of Witch and you might also be interested in the podcast that I referenced there.
At the moment I am doing a one-off distance Quantum Insight Session, which is 45 minutes with voicenote feedback and 5 days aftercare. You can ask me anything that you wish to be answered. Please contact me for availability as I’m only currently offering a couple of session a week.
Blessings of love and light,
Louise x
A paid membership is a recognition of the energy and time investment required for me, my guides and spiritual support team to share wisdom and guidance to support you on your sacred path. If you’d like to contribute to the community, but it’s beyond your reach, then I have put aside gifted subscriptions available on request.
If you would like to go deeper on your healing journey you can visit my website. Bespoke healing can be discussed by request.
If you enjoy reading The Wisdom Path, I’d really appreciate it if you would recommend it as a way of connecting with other readers, who enjoy the same kind of content or need to receive the guidance.
WOW! Louise, this gave me chills and made me feel like I was getting the world's best pep talk. Hecate's words came through, straight to my heart and soul, filling me with an inner fire. I am SO excited to be here now, witnessing this change, this magic, this return of the Divine Feminine. Thank you, thank you, for channeling this incredible wisdom! 💖🙏💖🙏
Louise - you know I love this! Witch, Goddess, Priestess, Oracle, Healer, Shamaness, etc. Divine Feminine power. Not over, not as hierarchy, not singular - that is called patriarchy. No She is rising and what a beautiful message from Hecate! Every word precious and life affirming. I have been in my own initiation lately. Yesterday brought a message forward in me that I am still reeling from and integrating. She is definitely moving in our world. Louise thanks for being an open vehicle for Her grace!