Oh, Louise, I wish I could hit the like button for this one a thousand times! As I listened to your ritual, I truly did feel myself go back in time and was very much with you as you cleared the land for the Flower women. It was incredibly powerful and such an honor to me to witness your work this way. Thank you SO much for sharing this! I have read Caliban and love it (and now can't wait to listen to the podcast you recommend.) Another book I love, though it's emotionally challenging to read, is called Witchcraze by Anne Barstow. The witch wound is a deep ancestral wounding that many of us carry. It's a big part of the ancestral healing work I do. And it's also the reason I named my Substack Witchcraft & Metaphysics. It was so important to me to honor these grandmothers (and grandfathers to a lesser extent) of ours whose suffering made our life experiences possible. I can't quite put into words how important this is to me. I also love your call to take this beautiful, potent, yet easy to replicate, ritual that you've shared into our own localities. Think of how much healing will take place when we all carry this work forth! Blessings and love to you, my friend! ❤️❤️❤️

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Jenna, I knew this would speak to you, as I said I can’t explain how powerful it felt and how close it felt to some of the work I’ve seen you do. This is the one I was going to ask you about as I’ve never been asked to do this before. At the last minute I decided to trust my instinct and it seemed to go ok. I would be grateful if you could add anything that I might want to think about next time. I feel the witch wound coming up everywhere at the minute, it’s very close the the surface. I feel so honoured to have been asked to take part in this and to know that you are there too. Thank you so much for the book recommendation, I feel there is yet more for me to discover! 💫🙏

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Louise, thank you for the amazing history lesson. You are there to do important work and I appreciate you sharing it with us.

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Thank you Donna and for lighting the way for those who need your unique brilliance to show them the way. 💫🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Louise Hallam

I have this book! It’s very academic and a hard read for me. A couple of months ago, the week of the witch came through to me in the night as a time to roll out my new circle series for those of us who live with invisible illness. I had never heard of week of the witch before but the guidance is strong so I am working towards launching end October ! 🧙🏼‍♀️🧙🏼

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Oh that sounds brilliant Amber, you’ll have to tell me more about it.

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I completely agree with this Louise! And feel deeply in my bones that the energy rising right now is calling to all priestesses, healers, witches, shamans, animists, etc. Now is the time, "to bring the change of the New Earth." Thanks for ritual you did to clear the land and to heal the past of this specific trauma. This truly is a grass roots way of moving together. Each contributing, each becoming part of the web.

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Yes Julie, imagine the movement if we all do the bit we are called to, how powerful and magical will that be. I’m here for that!

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Oh wow, I need to look into this more as I have ancestors who lived in Belvoir Castle. Thanks for sharing this.

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Oh that’s amazing Phoebe, you’ll have to let m know what you discover.

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