Thanks Louise! I agree, these messages in our culture our strong. I see them circulating in my being. "Keep going." "Keep doing." "Keep busy." I believe it is what keeps our commodification, consumerism and production going. Not easy at times to disconnect from these incessant messages. To slow down, be still and come home to MY VOICE! Most mornings I practice what I call, truth speak. I stand in front of my altar, and very slowly and with intention speak what is moving in my being and what I know to be true. Lately it is, "All of me is welcome here." I name the emotions and feelings that are present. I find it quite grounding and it opens the channels of my voice. What I say matters, even if only to me.
I do find it so difficult to move against them sometimes Julie. I guess the years of programming will take a while longer! I do love the phrase “All of me is welcome here” Think I’ll be using that from now on.
There is a lot of synchronicity recently about the difficult in taking complete rest for ourselves, I am seeing these frustrations echoed in many places so I will listen with more awareness. Resting guilt free comes easier when it is shown to us as children and when those in our circle of influence share a similar value. If this isn't the case we may have to do the hard work to overcome our innate tendencies every time we take a break.
That makes perfect sense Donna as my childhood role models definitely didn’t rest with ease, more with dis-ease, so this is a valuable insight for me. Thank you. 🙏
To still the mind...oh dear! Why is that at times soo tricky! I can go to bed at times and feel as though I'm knocked out, and other times I feel as though I am going through the encyclopaedia of EVERY TEENY TINY THING in my life. Oh how tired I feel when I wake.
Louise I really liked this is encouraging me to type slower to you... for just that change is reducing my need to be busy. The to-do-list is never ending. Maybe for this moment in time I can choose to breathe out and pause.
I look forward to listening to your words and will come back and share soon. xxx
I so understand Sam, it can be a wonderful surprise to wake up after a long sleep or still be thinking about those ordinary things in the early hours of the morning, I used to sleep soooo well! I have taken to given myself an imaginary sleep potion that is meant to knock me out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. To breathe and pause created a perfect space for reset. xx
I like your imaginary sleep potion. That is a magic idea. I find when I wake up with lots going on in my mind when I can name it, it seems to help and then I can slowly drift off to sleep. The ways of the wise ones...maybe as we get older to wake in the middle of the night is important - so long as we can catch-up on sleep during the day! xxx
I resonate with so much of this, Louise. Almost every night, I go to bed thinking about how little I "got done" that day and then I start planning how I'll do more or do better tomorrow. The funny thing is that I know better. My guides/goddesses/ancestors have given me the wisdom I need to change this pattern but something keeps me bound to it instead. I hadn't before thought that it might be related to a wound of not speaking up, but now I think this might be exactly it. Thank you for this wisdom! 💖💖
I’m exactly the same Jenna, it’s a good job my guides and co are very patient! The thing is if I could truly let go of this pattern it would change everything. I continue to be optimistic. 💫💕
Thanks Louise! I agree, these messages in our culture our strong. I see them circulating in my being. "Keep going." "Keep doing." "Keep busy." I believe it is what keeps our commodification, consumerism and production going. Not easy at times to disconnect from these incessant messages. To slow down, be still and come home to MY VOICE! Most mornings I practice what I call, truth speak. I stand in front of my altar, and very slowly and with intention speak what is moving in my being and what I know to be true. Lately it is, "All of me is welcome here." I name the emotions and feelings that are present. I find it quite grounding and it opens the channels of my voice. What I say matters, even if only to me.
I do find it so difficult to move against them sometimes Julie. I guess the years of programming will take a while longer! I do love the phrase “All of me is welcome here” Think I’ll be using that from now on.
There is a lot of synchronicity recently about the difficult in taking complete rest for ourselves, I am seeing these frustrations echoed in many places so I will listen with more awareness. Resting guilt free comes easier when it is shown to us as children and when those in our circle of influence share a similar value. If this isn't the case we may have to do the hard work to overcome our innate tendencies every time we take a break.
That makes perfect sense Donna as my childhood role models definitely didn’t rest with ease, more with dis-ease, so this is a valuable insight for me. Thank you. 🙏
To still the mind...oh dear! Why is that at times soo tricky! I can go to bed at times and feel as though I'm knocked out, and other times I feel as though I am going through the encyclopaedia of EVERY TEENY TINY THING in my life. Oh how tired I feel when I wake.
Louise I really liked this is encouraging me to type slower to you... for just that change is reducing my need to be busy. The to-do-list is never ending. Maybe for this moment in time I can choose to breathe out and pause.
I look forward to listening to your words and will come back and share soon. xxx
I so understand Sam, it can be a wonderful surprise to wake up after a long sleep or still be thinking about those ordinary things in the early hours of the morning, I used to sleep soooo well! I have taken to given myself an imaginary sleep potion that is meant to knock me out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. To breathe and pause created a perfect space for reset. xx
I like your imaginary sleep potion. That is a magic idea. I find when I wake up with lots going on in my mind when I can name it, it seems to help and then I can slowly drift off to sleep. The ways of the wise ones...maybe as we get older to wake in the middle of the night is important - so long as we can catch-up on sleep during the day! xxx
I like the idea of naming it, that sounds like a great idea I’ll try too. xxx
I resonate with so much of this, Louise. Almost every night, I go to bed thinking about how little I "got done" that day and then I start planning how I'll do more or do better tomorrow. The funny thing is that I know better. My guides/goddesses/ancestors have given me the wisdom I need to change this pattern but something keeps me bound to it instead. I hadn't before thought that it might be related to a wound of not speaking up, but now I think this might be exactly it. Thank you for this wisdom! 💖💖
I’m exactly the same Jenna, it’s a good job my guides and co are very patient! The thing is if I could truly let go of this pattern it would change everything. I continue to be optimistic. 💫💕